Note To Self: He Still Wants Me
Note To Self: He Still Wants Me!
But God commendeth His love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8 KJV
If you have been alive for longer than a few years then I am sure you have had close, intimate experiences with rejection. We all have been rejected at some point in our lives, sometimes due to our own poor performance, or by people who just struggled to love us.
Rejection is a part of life, yet we may find ourselves struggling to overcome being betrayed, not being in relationship with someone we wanted to be friends with, or with family pushing us away because of our beliefs, not getting the job we wanted, or, for some, having to face the pain, heartbreak and unfairness of divorce. We ourselves reject those we do not get along with, who do not share our culture and beliefs, who are not in the same league financially, fashionably, or educationally with us, or who have hurt us.
But do you know that God does not reject anyone who comes to Him with a sincere heart? Think of all the reasons why you rejected a certain person or persons, or why you were rejected, and know that none of those reasons are seen as good enough by God to finally reject His creation!
God Has Not Rejected Anyone Yet!
God has not rejected anyone yet! Holy Spirit says that even while we were wallowing in our sin, while we were yet sinners, before we met Jesus, He loved us and gave His life for us. That's right! None of the bad things you have done, the hurt you have caused, the sins you have committed, nothing you have said or done has driven God to finally give up on you, reject you and thus stop loving you! No matter how bad you were, or are, God still loves you. God has not rejected anyone yet!
Yes, it is true that many have rejected God, walking away willingly from His love, mercy and sacrifice. Yes, many have said there is no God, loving their sin and themselves more than God. Yes, there are, and will be, many others who will choose to forsake a blessed eternal existence with God in Heaven, believing they are wiser than God; that there is no life after death. But know that God did not reject them first. They made that choice on their own.
Rejection Is A Personal Choice!
Man's beliefs have never swayed God's mind from the truth! And we should not let the blindness, the ignorance and the deception of the course of this world cause us to be disobedient to or reject the wonderful grace and mercy of God. God has not rejected anyone yet, and He won't. But He will allow us to have free-choice and the freedom to live as we will.
Rejection is a personal choice. To hate requires a personal choice. To move on from a toxic relationship requires a good choice. But to walk away from God, to reject Him, to be alienated from Him by choice, is vanity of mind, and comes from the ignorance in people because of their willingness to a blindness of heart.
This I say therefore, and testify in the Lord, that ye henceforth walk not as other Gentiles walk, in the vanity of their mind, having the understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God through the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart:
Ephesians 4:17-18 KJV
God never makes the personal choice to reject anybody who comes to Him in the knowledge that they need a Saviour. He turns no one away whose heart is right with Him through the precious Blood of His Son.
God does not reject anyone. His Son died for everyone who chooses, or has chosen, to make Jesus the Lord of their lives.
By the which will we are sanctified through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ once for all...but this man, after He had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God; For by one offering He hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
Hebrews 10:10, 12, 14 KJV
Jesus sacrifice was complete. No effort of man can be added to it to 'make it better;' no rejection of Christ's sacrifice and the adoption of the belief that one can do as they please because 'all roads lead to Heaven, after all,' can make it so. God Himself has given us salvation, redemption and Eternal Life through His Son so we could spend Eternity with Him. And God did all this, putting on a public display of His love for us, while we were yet sinners!
He Still Wants Me
Rejection is painful but also eye-opening. We can either let it define and frame the rest of our lives by lashing out at the world in bitterness, anger and revenge. Or we can choose to forgive those who have hurt us because we know that, by right, God should have rejected us but chose not to. When you know the price that was paid for your salvation and for your Eternal future, suffering rejection will no longer have the impact on you it used to have, then you will be able to live your life in freedom, in worship to God and with a Joyous heart in the knowledge that God loves you, that He forgave you, and that He Still Wants you!
So, today's "Note To Self:" may not be "eat healthy, exercise and be nice," which are good for the soul and body. But rather, today's "Note To Self" is a forever note that should cause you to rejoice! It is a note to remind yourself often that, no matter what you have done or could do, no matter how deep your pain, you can overcome anything because you have been forgiven by God Almighty Himself, that you are on your way to Heaven, and that, no matter what you do, you can say with confidence to yourself- - He Still Wants Me!
Meaghan Spies © 2022
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