Then Saul clothed David with his armour; he put a bronze helmet on his head and clothed him with a coat of mail. And David girded his sword over his armour. Then he tried to go, but could not, for he was not used to it. And David said to Saul, I cannot go with these, for I am not used to them. And David took them off.
1 Samuel 17:38-39 AMPC
God Made You You On Purpose!
You were not created by God to follow, live by, or make others recommendations and opinions about you your final authority on how to live your life.
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago. Ephesians 2:10 NLT
God made you you on purpose~ for His purposes! God wants you to know how much He loves you and that, as the very embodiment of love, He thinks no evil towards you, but that He always seeks to give you His best for your life. Jesus wants you to trust Him so much that His Word becomes the final say in and about your life.
Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, Hebrews 12:2 NKJV
So Don't Live By Others Recommendations!
You are God's Masterpiece as is! He is proud of you just the way you are. Others may think you need improvements and may make suggestions on what you need to change in order to please them or to make you more acceptable to them. People will criticize you, devalue you, and ruin your reputation with the intent to make themselves look good! Know that there is probably an element of jealousy in every critical and back-handed comment supposedly spoken as truth and for your good!
Put On God's Armour For You
Many, like Saul did with David, will attempt to make you more like them, believing they are God's gold standard for the world. The world will tell you to dress like them, party like them, do life like them, just to boost their ego's. But God never created you to be a 'mini-me' of anybody, except Christ, of course!
Holy Spirit tells us Saul armed David with his armour, putting his own bronze helmet on David's head and draping him in his own coat of mail. People, and the devil, will attempt to put their armour on you, claiming that their way of doing life is the best way! They will try to set the limitations they live by in your mind by putting their hardened, bronze helmets on your head! If you follow their way of thinking, full of fear, anxiety and doubt in God, you will never see God do great things in and through your life! People tend to think that draping you in their
coat of mail, their faulty and easily penetrated breastplates full of pride, doubt, unbelief and judgment, is like bestowing you with the greatest gift on earth. But standing against the onslaughts of the devil, achieving success and winning in life has never been proven to be won by the opinions and recommendations of others.
Best to
put on God's Armour, which fits you so well,
for you and keep it on!
The Armour of God is a tangible and powerful force against the onslaughts of evil and the recommendations, temptations and depravity of this world! His
helmet of salvation, that is thinking His thoughts according to His Word and then speaking that Word over and into every situation, brings His power on the scene to change things in your favour! Having God's
coat of mail, His breastplate of righteousness, as protection for your heart,
will always lead you on paths of righteousness (doing and being right with God) for His name's sake! And there's a bonus to living your life
God's way:
It looks good on you! If It Does Not Fit, Don't Wear It!
If it does not fit, don't wear it! If what people are saying about you does not fit, don't make yourself get used to it. You will never go higher in life when you are bogged down by negativity and hopelessness. Get your Sword of the Spirit, God's infallible Word, out and cut those constricting opinions off of you!
If someones opinions are smothering you, limiting your potential for growth, or are just plain bringing you down, don't wear it! Do not attempt to squeeze yourself into others low opinions of you or their ungodly recommendations for you! Do what the next title says and Take them off!
Take Them Off!
We need to make some radical changes in our lives if we truly want to live in victory and see the glory of God on our lives. We need to take off, on purpose and with intent, whatever God has not given us! We need to take off all the recommendations, opinions, insults, and suggestions of others about us. We need to take off the mindsets that limit what God wants to do in and through our lives. We need to take off and exchange all our stinking thinking for the transformative power of a renewed mind through the reading of the Word of God.
A Note To Yourself:
We need to stop wallowing in the slop of this world and motivate ourselves to rise higher to the upward call of God in Christ Jesus for us! There is more to life than what you or others think. That more for your life can be found in training yourself to think God's thoughts for you.
With Jesus, there is always more to life than you are living now.
Make a Note To Yourself, and announce it to the world, that you will no longer be living by the recommendations and opinions of others, but that you will be
living as God intended you to live: As His Masterpiece!
Meaghan Spies © 2022
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