As Long As You Have Today, Enjoy Today


As Long As You Have Today, Enjoy Today

Psalm 118:24 (KJV) This is the day which the Lord hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. 

open door to a new day sea view,

This day, Today, is the day that The Lord has made. He has given us the privilege of living, breathing, thinking and moving Today. So, while it is called Today make the most of it! Enjoy Today to the full. Love those you are with Today. Tomorrow has not been guaranteed to anybody.

Enjoy Today” is how a friend blesses me almost daily. Upon careful consideration of what Enjoy Today means to me, living for Jesus comes to mind and being thankful for all He has, is, and will do for me. Enjoying Today to me is to open my heart, and to keep it open, to the blessings, kindness, love, mercy and goodness the Lord extends to me each day.

This day, Today, this very day, is the Gift of the Lord to you! He made Today. He blessed it and He crowned it with His goodness. Stop dragging the worries of yesterday and the anxieties for tomorrow into Today. Forgive if you need to forgive. Put your hope and trust in The Greater One who lives inside of you. Today, and every day, permit nothing and nobody to terrify you or to draw your heart away from God.

This is the day You have made, Lord. Help me to rejoice and be glad in it. You do not want me living enslaved to the past or in a state of terror for the future. You want me to trust You for Today every day. Lord, I put my hope in You and not in the pictures of disaster and potential pain that keep flashing across my mind. I will come to You for daily strength with the belief that I have a sound mind because of Your Holy Spirit who lives in me.

I believe that You want me to live this Gift of a new day You have given me to the fullest, to the best of my ability and to Your glory. But I cannot do this life, let alone this day, without You. Holy Spirit, here is my Today. I ask that You would bless it and prosper it as only You can. May my every day be a delight in Your sight.  As long as I have Today, I am determined to Enjoy Today in and with You. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.   

Meaghan Spies © 2022


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