As The Dew of the Morning
As The Dew of the Morning
I sleep, but my heart is awake; It is the voice of my Beloved! He knocks, saying, “Open for Me, My sister, my love, My dove, My perfect one; For My head is covered with dew, My locks with the drops of the night.” Song of Songs 5:2
Have you ever noticed that the dew of the morning covers everything? The heavens of God drip dew on all His creation to water the earth, to revive what is dry and shriveled up.
The Holy Spirit, As The Dew of the Morning, covers and crowns the earth with God's goodness, mercy and grace every day. He knocks at the door of the hearts of people early in their lives, longing for them to open the door to The Beloved, Jesus Christ.
As The Dew of the Morning, Holy Spirit desires to revive what has shriveled up and died in us, our passion and zeal for Christ and for life, and our faith. He longs to bring something new and fresh to our lives every morning as the Dew so we can live in awe and wonder at the goodness of God.
Yet Holy Spirit leaves the choice to be saturated with His Dew every morning in our hands. Your heart, your spirit, hears the voice of your Beloved calling you to spend time with Him. But many times the flesh wins out, and you continue to sleep, lulled into a numbing slumber by fear, anxiety, doubt and hopelesness.
Awake, child of the King! Slumber no longer. Stir yourself to meet with the Dew of the Morning, the Holy Spirit. He wants to give you the grace, the strength and the joy to get through each day.
Make time to open the door to your Beloved. Sit close to Jesus as He shares His heart of love with you. Jesus loves you, this I know. Do not let the coldness of this world dull the passion in your heart for your First Love. Meet with God and He will cover you with The Dew of the Morning.
Meaghan Spies © 2022
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