Monday Is A Day That The Lord Has Made


Monday Is A Day That The Lord Has Made

Pink blossoms, a good Monday,
Psalm 118:24 This is the day the Lord has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

A call-centre agent recently contacted me. He was trying his best to engage me in conversation, probably as per his training. He politely asked how I was and when I replied, "Good, thanks," he responded with, "Probably a 'Blue Monday,' hey?" I paused before asking him why he would assume that. He then went into a spiel of how Monday's are not his or anybody's favourite day; how everyone basically 'hated' Monday's because that's the worst day of the week.

Proverbs 8:12 I, Wisdom, dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions.

Again I paused, asking Holy Spirit for a witty response to this young man's worldly assumptions of the days of the week.

 I loved the agents surprise when I said to him that Monday's do not have to be the worst day of the week. He asked me in a shocked voice what I meant. I said to him God had made Monday's for a purpose, out of His love and kindness toward us, and I was pretty sure it wasn't so we could hate them! 

Monday's are God-blessed and God-ordained days just like any other day of the week. When God made the Days of the Week, He blessed each day and called it 'good.'

Genesis 1:3 Then God said, 'Let there be light;" and there was light. And God saw the light, that it was good; and God divided the light from the darkness. God called the light Day, and the darkness He called Night. So the evening and the morning were the first day.

And God saw the light, that it was good. God made Monday's. He called all the days He made good. How is it then that we call what God made 'bad;' 'not good;' 'a Blue Monday?'

At the end of our phone call, that young man sounded very excited and promised to try what I had said, that is, to bless his Monday's just because God had made them. Maybe we all need to change our perspective about Monday's. Perhaps we, too, need a reminder that we, the devil, circumstances and other people's bad attitudes and opinions do not own Monday's! God owns every Monday, therefore we can enjoy every Monday in the Lord!

Try it today, on this brand new Monday.  Just give God thanks that you woke up today, that you are able to go to work and earn a salary. Give God thanks with joy for yet another Monday. Determine in your heart to live life to the fullest this Monday and every subsequent Monday that God has given as a gift to you.

Shout out loud, Thank God it's Monday!! Shout as loud as you do on Friday's at the end of the working week. 

Prayer: Thank You, God, for another Monday. Thank You that I can live and enjoy this day in and with You. I give all my Monday's to You. I purpose in my heart that, as from today, I will not allow myself, other people, lying devils or negative events to rob me of the gift You have given me: The Gift of Another day to live, to dream, to hope, to discover, to enjoy. "Monday is a good day." You said so, and I say so, too: "Monday is a good day!" Monday is a day that the Lord has made; I will rejoice and be glad in it!

Meaghan Spies © 2022


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