Love Unblocks The Ears
Love Unblocks The Ears
Whoever said Christianity was easy has never lived it! How could you possibly be nice to those who hate and despise you, whom you hate and despise in return?! You know who I am talking about...Those people who rub you up the wrong way every time you see them; those jealous, rude, back-stabbing so-called friends; those you know are always talking about you behind your back.
You regard them as your bona-fide enemies, people you could never sit at the same table with. And yet God says in His Word, Love your enemies! God, of all people, should know how they feel about you! After all, He is privy to all their conversations! And yet the Word stares back at you, reminding you to love.
God knows what He is talking about, though. He knows that only love can unblock our ears so that we are able to hear Him speak to us.
What must your ears be unblocked from, you may ask? All the ugly rumours, innuendos and slanders flung at you about you still playing in your head. All those nasty words you rehearse nightly as you lay on your bed. Those hurting places that just don't seem to want to go away, those places can only be effectively healed by love.
Our ears so often block God out when we indulge opinions, gossip, innuendo, rumours and rage! Anger always blocks our ears from hearing what God is saying to us and causes our mouths to spew forth unwholesome, negative words. Hatred towards others, because of the horrible and unfair manner with which they treat us, makes us almost completely deaf to the voice of the Holy Spirit.
Thing is, indulge the works of the flesh and not only will you seek to inflict revenge on your enemy, but the works of the flesh work negatively against you, too. Revenge may taste sweet for a little while, but it could potentially affect your health and it definitely affects any relationship you hope to have with God. We have to learn to take our problems to Jesus and just leave them there at His feet. Then we need to rise up in power, faith and in the courage to walk in love.
Love does a thorough cleansing and unblocking of the ears, effectively removing the gunge of hatred, unforgiveness, and the pain of continually rehearsing your hurts. Love replaces all of that with the mercy of God.
We need to train ourselves to live in the victory of this statement:
Hear with mercy; speak with grace.
God does not hate your enemies. God does not give anyone power over Him by hating them. Hatred and unforgiveness will rule your life if you do not learn to let go and live in love.
If you have been struggling recently to hear God speaking to you; if the Bible has seemed lifeless to you and your spirit has not connected with God as it used to, check your hearing! Could be there is an emotional blockage keeping you from God's best for you.
Unblock your ears today and let love be the compass of your life.
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