Bigger and Better Always!
Vignettes Bigger and Better Always! But as it is written: “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, Nor have entered into the heart of man The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.” I Corinthians 2:9 What Do You Think Of Yourself? Examine your thoughts this morning. Ask yourself what you truly think of yourself. Have you made up your mind that this, what you are living now, is all there is for you? Are most of your thoughts about yourself for good, or are your thoughts of you steeped in negativity, basically given up hope already, definitely not focused on God's best for your life? Or is there a hope in your heart that God has Bigger and Better Plans for you? What You Think Matters What you think of yourself truly matters. Your dominant thoughts about yourself will become reality in your life. If you think you can't make it, that this is too hard, that good things never come your way, then you will have what you say! You will think Murphy's Law was written especi...